Lifestream 生命泉 抗生素營養粉 200g
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商品名稱:Lifestream 生命泉 抗生素營養粉 200g
  • 中文名稱 :Lifestream 生命泉 抗生素營養粉 200g
  • 外文名稱 :Lifestream Bowel Biotics Fibre Powder 200g
  • 品牌 :LifeStream
  • 規格 :200
  • 單位 :克
  • 包裝方式 :單件裝
  • 適用人群 :成人
  • 功效 :改善便秘,腸胃養護
  • 主要成分 :益生菌
  • 產品劑型 :散劑沖劑
It is estimated that poor digestion and elimination is to blame for a host of modern discomforts yet most of these can be avoided. Lifestream's BowelBiotics formula is the most popular natural bowel formula in the UK and is recommended by many Gastroenterologists, Doctors & Natural Practitioners in the UK. Lifestream BowelBiotics is 100% natural, containing only fibre, prebiotics and probiotics. As part of a healthy balanced diet, Lifestream BowelBiotics helps to ensure regular bowel movements and maintains bowel health - essential for overall health and well-being. Lifestream BowelBiotics not only provides a good source of fibre, but also contains prebiotics and probiotics for maintaining healthy intestinal bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics are relatively new concepts in nutrition and many studies show that the combination of a prebiotic and a probiotic is more potent than their prebiotic or probiotic components alone. No Artificial IngredientsLifestream BowelBiotics is 100% natural, unique to Lifestream and designed to promote bowel health. Lifestream BowelBiotics contains no artificial ingredients of any kind. We believe it is important to use the best ingredients available - Lifestream BowelBiotics is suitable for vegetarians and contains:NO polydextrose, maltodextrin, sorbitol, sugar, preservatives, artificial flavours or colours, gluten, wheat, phytate, GM ingredientsIt is suitable for regular everyday use, gentle in action - absorbed by the body. What is so unique about the formulat of Lifestream BowelBiotics? Lifestream BowelBiotics has been developed to help with a healthy balanced diet to keep the bowels healthy in a totally natural way. In order to achieve this, Lifestream BowelBiotics has three specific natural ingredients. These are: 1. Fibre (Psyllium husks) 2. Prebiotics (Inulin) 3. Probiotics (Lactobacilli & Bifidobacteria) All of these ingredients are from natural sources only. All are gentle in action and are not absorbed by the body, making Lifestream BowelBiotics suitable for regular, everyday use. 1. Fibre (Psyllium Husks)Fibre is important in the diet to ensure that waste material is moved efficiently and regularly through the colon so that undigested matter is not left for long periods in the bowel. Typically most fibre in our diet comes from wheat bran (present in most breads and cereals) but this is unsuitable for those who are allergic or intolerant to wheat products. The fibre in Lifestream BowelBiotics is therefore sourced from non-wheat sources which include psyllium husks and inulin. Psyllium husks are a water retentive non-wheat fibre source. When water is added to psyllium husks, a soft gel forms, helping matter to move through the colon smoothly. Water retentive fibre also encourages the presence of natural bacteria in the bowel.The Importance of Varied Fibre Sources Different types of high fibre foods in the diet can have a synergistic effect and can complement the effects of the psyllium husks in Lifestream BowelBiotics . Most vegetables, lentils and fruits (dried apricots for example) are good sources of fibre. It is important to get into the habit of varying your fibre intake from different sources.2. Prebiotics (Inulin)Inulins are naturally occurring oligosaccharides (several simple sugars linked together) that are resistant to digestion in the stomach and intestines but are metabolized in the colon by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Inulins are found in vegetables such as asparagus, leeks, onions, chicory roots and garlic. Inulins help to promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria while simultaneously helping to reduce the population of unfriendly bacteria in the colon. Substances such as inulin that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon are called prebiotics. The ability to digest inulin varies among the different types of microflora which may commonly inhabit the intestine. Several studies have shown how inulin added to a healthy balanced diet improves intestinal flora and enhances the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria population. Other unfriendly species of bacteria including E. coli, Clostridia and Salmonella cannot utilize inulin. An abundance of beneficial bacteria helps your intestinal tract toremain healthy by creating conditions that are unfavourable to unfriendly bacteria. Lifestream BowelBiotics can help to ensure that sufficient levels of inulin are provided in the diet. 3. Probiotics (Lactobacilli & Bifidobacteria)Probiotics are live microbial organisms that populate the gut (such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) and are beneficial to health. 'Good' and 'Bad' bacteria are continually competing with each other in the gut and it is now clearly recognised that long term bowel health and overall well-being can be supported by maintaining a favourable balance of friendly bacteria in the colon.


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