Leading with Dignity: How to Create a Culture That Brings Out the Best in People
Edited by:Donna Hicks
Publisher:Yale University Press
Published:8 Oct 2019
Format Paperback:240 pages
ISBN-10 : 0300248458
ISBN-13 : 978-0300248456
Weight:250 g
Dimensions:139.7 x 17.78 x 208.28(mm)
這本書是一本來自尊嚴研究專家的具有里程碑意義的書,探討了尊嚴在良好領導力中的基本作用,但人們對其認識不足。擴大她屢獲殊榮的書《尊嚴:它在解決衝突中的重要作用》,唐娜·希克斯(Donna Hicks)現在為實現尊嚴文化做出了具體而實用的指南。
This landmark book from an expert in dignity studies explores the essential but underrecognized role of dignity as part of good leadership. Extending the reach of her award?winning book Dignity: Its Essential Role inResolving Conflict, Donna Hicks now contributes a specific, practical guide to achieving a culture of dignity.
Most people know very little about dignity, the author has found, and when leaders fail to respect the dignity of others, conflict and distrust ensue. Hicks highlights three components of leading with dignity: what one must know in order to honor dignity and avoid violating it; what one must do to lead with dignity; and how one can create a culture of dignity in any organization, whether corporate, religious, governmental, healthcare, or beyond. Brimming with key research findings, real?life case studies, and workable recommendations, this book fills an important gap in our understanding of how best to be together in a conflict?ridden world.
唐娜·希克斯(Donna Hicks)博士 是哈佛大學Weatherhead國際事務中心的助理。作為解決衝突的專家,她為中東和其他高衝突地區的外交努力提供了便利,並在全球範圍內舉辦了許多培訓研討會。
Donna Hicks, Ph.D. is an associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. As a conflict resolution specialist, she has facilitated diplomatic efforts in the Middle East and other high?conflict regions and conducted numerous training seminars worldwide.