Cool Dogs, Cool Homes
出版社 ? : ? CICO Books (2020年9月22日)
語言 ? : ? 英語
精裝 ? : ? 176頁
ISBN-10 ? : ? 1782498796
ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-1782498797
商品重量 ? : ? 776 g
尺寸 ? : ? 19.05 x 2.29 x 23.5 cm
你可能擁有街上最酷的房子,但沒有狗的房子就不是一個家。那麼,當你有一個犬類伴侶,以及所有相關的餵食碗、牽引繩、牀和玩具等用具時,你如何保持你的室內裝修在Instagram上的可讀性?作為一個養了20多年狗的人,以及英國倫敦塞爾弗裏奇公司的前家居採購經理,傑拉爾丁-詹姆斯是向你展示如何將狗融入你的生活而不犧牲你的風格或它們在房子和後院漫遊的自由的人選。無論你是住在城市,還是住在鄉下,還是住在海邊,只要小心翼翼地做出一些妥協,你的家仍然可以很好看。然後是 "設計 "狗--屬於設計師的狗,他們精心設計的家對狗來説一點也不遜色。最後還有一個特別的部分,講述了書中介紹的救援犬的故事,並強調了救援犬可以給你的生活和你的家帶來的快樂。
Stylish interiors and happy dogs make the perfect home.
You may have the coolest home on the street, but a house is not a home without a dog. So how do you keep your interiors Instagrammable when you have a canine companion, with all the associated paraphernalia of feeding bowls, leads, beds, and toys? As a dog-owner for over 20 years, and a former home buying manager at Selfridge's in London, UK, Geraldine James is the perfect person to show you how to incorporate dogs into your life without sacrificing your style or their freedom to roam the house and backyard. Whether you live in the city, in the countryside, or on the coast, your home can still look good with a few careful compromises. Then there are the "design" dogs – dogs belonging to designers whose beautifully curated homes are none the less canine-friendly. And finally there's a special section telling the stories of the rescue dogs featured in the book, and highlighting the joy a rescue dog can bring to your life and your home.