Wild Creations
出版社 ? : ? CICO Books; Illustrated edition (2021年4月6日)
語言 ? : ? 英語
精裝 ? : ? 240頁
ISBN-10 ? : ? 1800650256
ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-1800650251
商品重量 ? : ? 978 g
尺寸 ? : ? 19.05 x 2.79 x 23.5 cm
希爾頓-卡特被《早安美國》稱為 "植物造型界的勒布朗-詹姆斯",現在他通過25個循序漸進的DIY項目和植物小竅門,向我們展示瞭如何製作、設計、裝飾和護理自己令人驚歎的植物靈感的室內環境。
Dubbed the "LeBron James of plant styling..." by "Good Morning America," Hilton Carter now shows how you can make, style, decorate, and care for your own stunning plant-inspired interior with his 25 step-by-step DIY projects and plant hacks.
In plant and interior stylist Hilton Carter’s previous books he has given us glimpses into stunning plant-filled homes where ivy and creeping figs hang miraculously from ceilings, mosses grow effortlessly to create living walls, and succulents flourish planted in terrariums. Now in Wild Creations, Hilton will show you how you can actually create these amazing fixtures for your own home. There are step-by-step instructions for Wild Ideas—making projects such as a wall mounted plant and a leather hanging plant stand, genius Wild Hacks for all of your plant worries from how to water your plants while you are away to repelling bugs, thought-provoking Wild Rants looking at the transformative power of plants, and finally a detailed look at ten key Wild Plants and how to care for them. Design and learn about your very own wild interior, get creative, and get WILD!