經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May?Alcott?Barbara Heller??傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版
經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May?Alcott?Barbara Heller??傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版
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商品名稱:經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May?Alcott?Barbara Heller??傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版
【書名】:經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May?Alcott?Barbara Heller??傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版
【作者】:Jane Austen, B Heller
【出版社】:Chronicle Books
【書名】:經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May?Alcott?Barbara Heller??傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版
【作者】:Jane Austen, B Heller
【出版社】:Chronicle Books

經典文學禮品版2本套 英文原版 Jane Austen Louisa May Alcott Barbara Heller  傲慢與偏見 禮品版 含19封人物往來手寫書信 小婦人禮品版 



Format Hardback | 600 pages

Dimensions 199 x 238 x 74.56mm | 1639.15g

Publication date 15 Sep 2020

Publisher Chronicle Books

Language English




9781452184579 Pride and Prejudice: The Complete Novel, with Nineteen Letters from the Characters' Correspondence, Written and Folded by Hand 傲慢與偏見 禮品版:含19封人物往來手寫書信 Jane Austen, Barbara Heller 

9781797208916 Little Women: The Complete Novel 小婦人禮品版 Louisa May Alcott, Barbara Heller



Pride and Prejudice: The Complete Novel, with Nineteen Letters from the Characters' Correspondence, Written and Folded by Hand 傲慢與偏見 禮品版:含19封人物往來手寫書信 Jane Austen, Barbara Heller 


《傲慢與偏見 禮品版:含19封人物往來手寫書信》收集了簡·奧斯汀在《傲慢與偏見》中人物之間的書信往來。  







* 每個字母都用華麗的書法重新創作。 










* 將它與諸如簡·奧斯汀的《簡·奧斯汀》(What would Jane Do) 之類的書一起添加到架子上。  


Pride and Prejudice: An Epistolary Edition Containing Nineteen Handwritten Letters is a collection of the letters exchanged between Jane Austen's characters in Pride and Prejudice.


Glassine pockets placed throughout the book contain removable replicas of all 19 letters in the story.


From Lydia's announcement of her elopement, to Mr. Darcy's honest, beseeching missive to Elizabeth, this deluxe edition pays homage to the power of these epistles.


* Nothing captures Jane Austen's vivid emotion and keen wit better than her characters' correspondence.

* Each letter is re-created with gorgeous calligraphy.

* Letters are hand-folded with painstaking attention to historical detail.


Perusing the letters will transport readers straight to the drawing room at Netherfield or the breakfast table at Longbourn.


For anyone who loves Austen, and for anyone who still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way.


* Step inside the world of Pride and Prejudice, one of the most beloved novels of all time.

* Great Mother's Day, birthday, or holiday gift for diehard Jane Austen fans

* A visually gorgeous book that will be at home on the shelf or on the coffee table

* Add it to the shelf with books like What Would Jane Do?: Quips and Wisdom from Jane Austen by Potter Gift, Jane-a-Day: 5 Year Journal with 365 Witticisms by Jane Austen Edition by Potter Gift, and The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things by Paula Byrne.


Little Women: The Complete Novel 小婦人禮品版 Louisa May Alcott, Barbara Heller


這個特別版邀請粉絲進入馬奇姐妹的世界。 它包括《小婦人》的全文,加上華麗的、可拆卸的角色信件和其他作品的複製品。  


對於那些喜歡《小婦人》,或者仍然珍惜寫信的樂趣的人來説,這本書以一種全新的方式闡明瞭一個最喜歡的故事。 路易莎·梅·奧爾科特的這部經典故事講述了馬奇姐妹成長的過程,這些令人難忘的角色在她們的信件和其他作品中栩栩如生。 當勞裏邀請喬和他一起去野餐和“各種百靈鳥”時,他們之間無拘無束的友誼的喜悦閃耀着。 每個女孩的個性都完美地體現在她們寫給媽媽的信中。 喬令人心碎的詩《我的貝絲》道出了兩姐妹之間的深厚情誼。 當你閲讀這本小説的精裝版時,你會發現整個口袋裏都裝着17封重要信件的複製品和故事中短暫出現的紙張,這些都是用優美的書法和對歷史細節的精心雕飾重新創作的。 把每一本都拿出來,細讀裏面的內容,然後把自己送到馬奇家的客廳裏。  


心愛的故事:《小婦人》代代相傳。 格蕾塔·葛韋格2019年改編的電影歡迎新粉絲來到這個故事。 現在是重温奧爾科特的原始文本的時機,以一種獨特的方式體驗它與物質的短暫性直接連接到馬奇家族的世界。  


獨特的格式:從精湛的書法,到對歷史細節的精心關注,到手工摺疊信件,到材料的質量——每一本書都是扇子為扇子製作的物品。 這個版本提供了身臨其境的故事體驗,站在書架上,並使真正可愛的禮物和紀念品。  


懷舊的吸引力,永恆的故事:《小婦人》喚起了深深的童年懷舊——然而它是一個豐富而複雜的故事,帶有女權主義的色彩,吸引了任何年齡和任何時代的讀者。 這本書不僅可以讓小時候讀過《小婦人》的讀者重新體驗自己喜愛的小説,還可以邀請讀這本書的讀者參加聚會。  
















This special edition invites fans inside the world of the March sisters. It includes the full text of Little Women, plus gorgeous, removable replicas of the characters' letters and other writings.


For anyone who loves Little Women, or still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way. Louisa May Alcott's classic tale follows the March sisters as they come of age, and these unforgettable characters come alive in their letters and other writings. When Laurie invites Jo to join him for a picnic and "all sorts of larks," the unbridled joy of their friendship shines through. Each of the girls' personalities is perfectly encapsulated in the letters they pen to Marmee. And Jo's heart-wrenching poem "My Beth" speaks to the profound bond between two sisters. As you read this deluxe edition of the novel, you will find pockets throughout containing replicas of all 17 significant letters and paper ephemera from the story, re-created with beautiful calligraphy and painstaking attention to historical detail. Pull out each one, peruse its contents, and allow yourself to be transported to the parlor of the March family home.


BELOVED STORY: LITTLE WOMEN has been passed down from generation to generation. Greta Gerwig's 2019 film adaption welcomed new fans to the story. Now is the perfect time to revisit the Alcott's original text and experience it in a unique way with physical ephemera that links you directly to the world of the March family.


UNIQUE FORMAT: From the masterful calligraphy, to the painstaking attention to historical detail, to the hand-folding of the letters, to the quality of the materials-each book is an object made by fans for fans. This edition offers an immersive experience of the story, stands apart on the shelf, and makes for a truly lovely gift and keepsake.


NOSTALGIC APPEAL, TIMELESS STORY: LITTLE WOMEN evokes deep childhood nostalgia-yet it's a rich and sophisticated story with feminist overtones that engages readers of any age and any generation. This edition allows those who read LITTLE WOMEN as children to experience their beloved novel anew, while inviting first-time readers to the party.


Perfect for:




* Fans of the film adaptions


* Moms, daughters, grandmothers, and girlfriends


* Book clubbers


* Letter writers


* Collectors of vintage ephemera



簡·奧斯汀(1775年12月16日- 1817年7月18日)是英著名的小説家,她的六部主要小説對18世紀末英鄉紳階級進行了闡釋、評論。 奧斯汀的小説情節經常探討女性在追求有利的社會地位和經濟保障時對婚姻的依賴。 她的作品批判了18世紀下半葉的感性小説,是向19世紀文學現實主義過渡的一部分。 她運用辛辣的諷刺,加上她的現實主義、幽默和社會評論,長期以來為她贏得了評論家、學者和大眾觀眾的讚譽。  


隨着《理智與情感》(1811年)、《傲慢與偏見》(1813年)、《曼斯菲爾德莊園》(1814年)和《艾瑪》(1816年)的出版,她成為了一名成功的出版作家。 她還寫了另外兩部小説,《諾桑覺寺》(Northanger Abbey)和《勸導》(Persuasion),均在1818年死後出版。她還開始創作另一部小説,最終命名為《桑迪頓》(Sanditon),但在這部小説完成前去世了。 她還留下了三卷青少年作品的手稿,短篇書信體小説《蘇珊夫人》和另一部未完成的小説《屈臣氏》。 她的六部長篇小説很少絕版,儘管它們都是匿名出版的,在她的一生中給她帶來了一定的成功和知名度。  


她死後的聲譽在1833年發生了重大轉變,她的小説被重新出版在理查德·本特利的《標準小説》系列中,由費迪南德·皮克林配圖,並作為一套出售 他們逐漸贏得了廣泛的讚譽和廣泛的讀者。 1869年,也就是簡·奧斯汀去世52年後,她的侄子出版了《簡·奧斯汀回憶錄》(A Memoir of Jane Austen),向熱心的讀者介紹了她引人注目的寫作生涯和據稱平淡無奇的生活。  


奧斯汀激發了許多評論文章和文學選集。 她的小説為許多電影提供了靈感,從1940年的《傲慢與偏見》到更近期的作品,如《理智與情感》(1995)、《艾瑪》(1996)、《曼斯菲爾德莊園》(1999)、《傲慢與偏見》(2005)、《愛情與友誼》(2016)和《艾瑪》(2020)。 她的小説也被改編成了電視劇,其中最有名的莫過於1995年由詹妮弗·艾爾和科林·費斯主演的《傲慢與偏見》。  


Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security. Her works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism.Her use of biting irony, along with her realism, humour, and social commentary, have long earned her acclaim among critics, scholars, and popular audiences alike.


With the publication of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1816), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two other novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began another, eventually titled Sanditon, but died before its completion. She also left behind three volumes of juvenile writings in manu, the short epistolary novel Lady Susan, and another unfinished novel, The Watsons. Her six full-length novels have rarely been out of print, although they were published anonymously and brought her moderate success and little fame during her lifetime.


A significant transition in her posthumous reputation occurred in 1833, when her novels were republished in Richard Bentley's Standard Novels series, illustrated by Ferdinand Pickering, and sold as a set.[5] They gradually gained wider acclaim and popular readership. In 1869, fifty-two years after her death, her nephew's publication of A Memoir of Jane Austen introduced a compelling version of her writing career and supposedly uneventful life to an eager audience.


Austen has inspired many critical essays and literary anthologies. Her novels have inspired many films, from 1940's Pride and Prejudice to more recent productions like Sense and Sensibility (1995), Emma (1996), Mansfield Park (1999), Pride & Prejudice (2005), Love & Friendship (2016), and Emma (2020).[c] Her novels have also inspired many TV adaptations, perhaps most notably Pride & Prejudice (1995), starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth.


路易莎·梅·奧爾科特(Louisa May Alcott,1832-1888 年)是美作家,因其經典故事《小婦人》而廣受喜愛。


Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American author, best-loved for her classic story Little Women.


芭芭拉·海勒 (Barbara Heller) 是電影和電視的佈景設計師,也是屢獲殊榮的短片的編劇和導演。 她以前的書包括簡奧斯汀的傲慢與偏見的特別版。 她住在紐約市。


Barbara Heller is a set decorator for film and television and a writer and director of award-winning short films. Her previous books include a special edition of Jane Austen's Pride and Predjudice. She lives in New York City.

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