Author:Albert Einstein (作者), Neil Berger (導言)
Publisher: Philosophical Library/Open Road; The Authorized Albert Einstein Archives edition (2015/11/5)
平裝: 194 pages
Language: 英語
ISBN: 1453204989
EAN: 9781453204986
Product Dimensions: 14 x 1.2 x 21.6 cm
通過這本書,人們將會對愛因斯坦產生更加完整的認知。他不僅是天才和偉大的科學家,還是思想家和人道主義者、和平主義者。他不受羈絆的獨立人格,以及看待問題和處理問題的獨特方式使他思想深刻、見解獨到。通過The World As I See It,我們將走近偉大的靈魂,認識一位詼諧幽默,充滿個性的愛因斯坦。
A fascinating collection of Einstein's observations about life, religion, nationalism, and a host of personal topics that engaged the genius's intellect In the aftermath of the First World War, Einstein writes about his hopes for the League of Nations, his feelings as a German citizen about the growing anti-Semitism and nationalism of his country, and his myriad opinions about the current affairs of his day.
In addition to these political perspectives, The World As I See It reveals the idealistic, spiritual, and witty side of this great intellectual as he approaches topics including "Good and Evil," "Religion and Science," "Active Pacifism," "Christianity and Judaism," and "Minorities." Including letters, speeches, articles, and essays written before 1935, this collection offers a complete portrait of Einstein as a humanitarian and as a human being trying to make sense of the changing world around him.
This authorized Philosophical Library book features a new introduction by Neil Berger, PhD, and an illustrated biography of Albert Einstein, which includes rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
[美] 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)
猶太裔物理學家,1879年出生於德國南部,成長於慕尼黑。由於父親經營一家電器行,愛因斯坦從小得以就近觀察電器產品的奧妙,並萌生對科學之興趣。中學時開始對學校權威與僵化教育感到不耐,之後隨父親舉家離開德國,大學就讀於當時聲譽卓著的蘇黎世理工大學(Zürich Polytechnic),畢業後進入伯恩專利局(Federal Office for Intellectual Property)工作。
愛因斯坦著有散文集《我所見的世界》(The World As I See It)、《晚年文集》(Out of My Later Years)、《我的世界觀》(Mein Weltbild)以及本書。