Tasty: The Art and Science of What We Eat
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Scribner Book Company; Reprint edition (12 Jan. 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781451685015
ISBN-13: 978-1451685015
Product Dimensions: 140 x 213 x 18mm | 227g
約翰?麥奎德 經典之作
備受尊崇的食品科學家哈洛德?麥克吉(Harold McGee)與一羣知名廚師曾鄭重宣告:「吃這件事除了會用到各種感官,也與我們的心智有關。」
"A fascinating blend of culinary history and the science of taste" (Publishers Weekly, starred review), from the first bite taken by our ancestors to ongoing scientific advances in taste and today's "foodie" revolution.
Can't resist the creamy smoothness of butter? Blame Darwinian natural selection. Crave the immediate zing of sweets? They bathe your brain in a seductive high. Enjoy the savory flavors of grilled meat? So did your ancestor Homo erectus. Coffee? You had to overcome your hardwired aversion to its hint of bitterness and learn to like it. Taste is a whole-body experience, and breakthroughs in genetics and microbiology are casting light not only on the experience of french fries and foie gras, but on the mysterious interplay of body, brain, and mind.
Reporting from kitchens, supermarkets, farms, restaurants, huge food corporations, and science labs, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John McQuaid tells the story of the still-emerging concept of flavor and how our sense of taste will evolve in the coming decades. Tasty explains why children have bizarre and stubborn tastes, how the invention of cooking changed our brains and physiology, why artificial sweeteners never taste quite right, why name brands really do taste better, how a 100,000-year-old walkabout by early humans is responsible for George H.W. Bush's broccoli-hatred, why "supertasters" like salt, and why "nontasters" are more likely to be alcoholics.
"A fascinating story with a beginning some half a billion years ago...McQuaid's tale is about science, but also about culture, history and, one senses, our future" (Scientific American). Tasty offers a delicious smorgasbord of where taste originated and where it's going--and why it changes by the day.
令人驚歎、意義重大,值得一讀再讀。——大衞?博瑪特(David Perlmutter)醫學博士《紐約時報》暢銷書榜di一名《無麩質飲食,讓你不生病!:揭開小麥、碳水化合物、糖傷腦又傷身的驚人真相》的作者
書中的故事令人欣喜、眼睛為之一亮,精彩!——梅蘭妮?華納(Melanie Warner)《潘朵拉的午餐盒:加工食品如何攻佔美國人的餐桌》的作者
這本書生動説明了食物可以怎麼變得更討人喜歡。wei一能夠chao越一頓美食的,就是讀完本書之後,再享用一頓美食。——保羅?傑敏涅(Paul Jaminet)博士《完美的健康飲食:讓你想怎麼吃就怎麼吃,還能重新找回健康並且減重》的作者之一
約翰·麥奎德(John McQuaid),記者,畢業於耶魯大學,曾在全世界*大博物館體系史密森學會的刊物《史密森雜誌》《華盛頓郵報》《連線》等雜誌上發表文章。他為《新奧爾良花絮時報》所作的科學與環境報道,預料到了卡特里娜颶風,並探討了全球漁業危機與外來物種問題;與人一起作的報道《毀滅之路:新奧爾良的破壞與超級風暴來襲》贏得了普利策獎。作者的其他作品則拿過美國科學促進會、美國生物科學協會和國際專業烹飪協會的大獎。
John McQuaid has written about topics such as city-destroying super-termites, the slow collapse of fishing communities, hurricane levee engineering, mountaintop removal coal mining, and the global flower business for publications including Smithsonian magazine, The Washington Post, Wired, Forbes.com, EatingWell magazine and the New Orleans Times-Picayune. He is the co-author of Path of Destruction: The Devastation of New Orleans and the Coming Age of Superstorms. His work has won a Pulitzer Prize, as well as awards from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the International Association of Culinary Professionals. He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife, son and daughter. The struggle to satisfy and understand the kids' strange and contradictory food choices (the elder liked super-hot peppers and limes, the younger rice, pasta and cheese) was the inspiration for Tasty.