On Human Nature
作者: Arthur Schopenhauer
平裝: 96 pages (2010年11月18日)
出版社: Dover Publications
ISBN: 9780486478418
產品重量及尺寸: 213 x 148 x 6 (mm)|112g
A disciple of Kant and a significant factor in shaping Nietzsche's thinking, Arthur Schopenhauer worked from the foundation that all knowledge derives from our experience of the world but that our experience is necessarily subjective and formed by our own intellect and biases: reality, therefore, is but an extension of our own will. In this essay, translated by THOMAS BAILEY SAUNDERS (1860-1928) and first published in English in the 1890s, Schopenhauer offers his outlook on human nature... and a pessimistic one it is, for Schopenhauer saw life through a Buddhist-like lens of desire leading to suffering, and the abjuration of desire as the only path to temporary relief. Here, the philosopher examines human institutions such as government, human ideals such as free will, and human understanding of character and morality, and finds underlying them a fatalistic impulse driving culture from extremes of despotism to those of anarchy, with little stopping along the way. Students of philosophy and of 19th-century intellectualism will find this a fascinating read.
阿圖爾·叔本華(德文:Arthur Schopenhauer,1788年2月22日-1860年9月21日),著名德國哲學家,唯意志主義的開創者,非理性主義哲學家的代表人物,無神論者和宿命論者。主要哲學觀點涉及形而上學、倫理學、邏輯學和美學。 叔本華思想的主要靈感來自於柏拉圖和康德,印度哲學對其亦有一定影響。他與同時代的其他哲學家不同,沒有取消康德的“物自體”概念,而是把它定義為意志,並在這一基礎上對整個世界進行了闡述。 通常叔本華被認為是一個徹底的悲觀主義者,實際上叔本華主張通過藝術、禁慾和道德來克服生命意志所帶來的痛苦。並且叔本華反對自殺,他認為自殺是對生命意志的承認與屈服。 叔本華所開創的非理性主義思潮不僅影響了華格納、蕭伯納、尼采、托爾斯泰、莫泊桑等不同國家眾多的文人和哲學家,甚至連愛因斯坦、薛定諤等科學家,弗洛伊德和榮格等心理學家也都受其影響。
Arthur Schopenhauer,a German philosopher, often called the “philosopher of pessimism,” who was primarily important as the exponent of a metaphysical doctrine of the will in immediate reaction against Hegelian idealism. His writings influenced later existential philosophy and Freudian psychology.