The Cambridge Quintet: A Work Of Scientific Speculation
作者: John Casti
Paperback: 208頁
出版社: Abacus UK (1998年12月3日)
語種: 英語
ISBN: 9780349108537
產品尺寸及重量: 203 x 127 x 12 (mm) | 240g
在《劍橋五重奏》一書中,卡斯蒂並沒有簡單地羅列和堆積半個世紀以來有關思維機器(thinking machine)實驗的事實與結果,而是以一個數學家的豐富想象力虛構了一次特別的晚宴。晚宴發生在1949年的春夏之交,地點是劍橋大學基督學院的一間房子——也就是本書主人公之一、晚宴的主人、小説家兼物理學家C.P.斯諾以前在劍橋大學基督學院擔任教師時的住所。應邀出席晚宴的有最早提出計算機可以複製人類思維過程的著名數學家阿蘭·圖靈、語言哲學家路德維格·維特根斯坦,和量子物理學家歐文·薛定諤以及遺傳學家J.B.S.霍爾丹。即便是以今天的科學與文化眼光來看,這五位仍是*的科學和文化名人,甚至是巨人。品嚐着美味佳餚,五位思想家圍繞着“機器能思考嗎”這一論題展開了廣泛深入的探討,洋洋灑灑,暢所欲言,從機器和人腦的結構關係到機器對人類思維的模擬,從機器能否理解其自身的操作語義到為了模擬人類思維機器是否應該具備人類語言,以及機器如何學習語言,還有思維機器的社會性問題,如個性、認同性以及與思維機器相關的文化形態和社會規範等等。言之所及無不令人耳目一新。
By 1949, the idea of duplicating human thought processes in a computer was starting to surface, as the outgrowth of code-breaking work done by Alan Turing and others in Britain during the Second World War. This ingenious work of speculative scientific fiction reconstructs what might have been said during the animated conversation flowing around Snow's rooms that fateful in Cambridge.The quintet's debate anticipates all of the basic questions which have surrounded artificial intelligence in the fifty years since. Can a machine think or merely process information Is the brain simply a symbol-processing machine, as Turing suggests, and if so, what is the nature of meaning Can there be, as Wittgenstein proposes, no thought without language, and no language without the social interaction of human beings.
John L Casti is a member of the faculty of the Santa Fe Institute and a professor at the Technical University of Vienna. He is the author of PARADIGMS LOST etc.