Kierkegaard's Writings, XVI, Volume 16: Works of Love (Revised)
作者: S?ren Kierkegaard
Paperback: 584頁
出版社: Princeton University Press (1998年4月12日)
語種: 英語
ISBN: 9780691059167
產品尺寸及重量: 139 x 216 x 36 (mm) | 696g
The various kinds and conditions of love are a common theme for Kierkegaard, beginning with his early Either/Or, through "The Diary of the Seducer" and Judge William's eulogy on married love, to his last work, on the changelessness of God's love. Works of Love, the midpoint in the series, is also the monumental high point, because of its penetrating, illuminating analysis of the forms and sources of love. Love as feeling and mood is distinguished from works of love, love of the lovable from love of the unlovely, preferential love from love as the royal law, love as mutual egotism from triangular love, and erotic love from self-giving love.
This work is marked by Kierkegaard's Socratic awareness of the reader, both as the center of awakened understanding and as the initiator of action. Written to be read aloud, the book conveys a keenness of thought and an insightful, poetic imagination that make such an attentive approach richly rewarding. Works of Love not only serves as an excellent place to begin exploring the writings of Kierkegaard, but also rewards many rereadings.
索倫·克爾凱郭爾(Soren Kierkegaard,1813年5月5日——1855年11月11日),19世紀上半葉丹麥宗教哲學心理學家,詩人,現代存在主義哲學的創始人,後現代主義的先驅,也是現代人本心理學的先驅。他出生於丹麥首府哥本哈根的一個篤信基督教的富裕的牧師家,曾就讀於哥本哈根大學。後繼承鉅額遺產,終身隱居哥本哈根,以事著述,多以自費出版。他的思想成為存在主義的理論根據之一,一般被視為存在主義之父。反對黑格爾的泛理論,認為哲學研究的不是客觀存在而是個人的“存在”,哲學的起點是個人,終點是上帝,人生的道路也就是天路歷程。
S?ren Aabye Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher. He wrote critical texts on organized religion, Christendom, morality, ethics, psychology, and the philosophy of religion, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony and parables.
Much of his philosophical work deals with the issues of how one lives as a "single individual", giving priority to concrete human reality over abstract thinking and highlighting the importance of personal choice and commitment. He was against literary critics who defined idealist intellectuals and philosophers of his time, and thought that Swedenborg, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Schlegel and Hans Christian Andersen were all "understood" far too quickly by "scholars".