‘Man is
bynature a political animal’
In ThePolitics Aristotle
addresses the questions that lie at theheart of political science.
How should society be ordered to ensurethe happiness of the
individual? Which forms of government are bestand how should they
be maintained? By analysing a range of cityconstitutions –
oligarchies, democracies and tyrannies – he seeksto establish the
strengths and weaknesses of each system to decidewhich are the most
effective, in theory and in practice. A hugelysignificant work,
which has influenced thinkers as diverse asAquinas and
Machiavelli,The Politics remains anoutstanding
commentary on fundamental political issues andconcerns, and
provides fascinating insights into the workings andattitudes of the
Greek city-state.
by T. A. Sinclair and Trevor J. Saunders discuss theinfluence
of The Politics on philosophers, itsmodern
relevance and Aristotle’s political beliefs. This editioncontains
Greek and English glossaries, and a bibliography forfurther