Legislators and Interpreters: On Modernity, Post-Modernity and Intellectuals
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Polity; New Ed edition (29 Nov. 1989)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 074560790X
ISBN-13: 978-0745607900
Product Dimensions: 167 x 227 x 13mm | 362g
The book discusses the role of intellectuals in the modern world. Bauman connects this with current analyses of modernity and post-modernity. The theme of the book is that the tasks of intellectuals change from being 'legislators' to 'interpreters' with the transition from modernity to post-modernity.
The book discusses the role of intellectuals in the modern world. Bauman connects this with current analyses of modernity and post-modernity. The theme of the book is that the tasks of intellectuals change from being 'legislators' to 'interpreters' with the transition from modernity to post-modernity.
* Discusses debates in which there is currently much interest (overlaps with the themes of 'Habermas and Modernity', which has been discussed very widely indeed). * The author is one of the foremost writers in social theory and cultural studies today. * Develops an original argument about the position of intellectuals in the contemporary world.
* Discusses debates in which there is currently much interest (overlaps with the themes of 'Habermas and Modernity', which has been discussed very widely indeed). * The author is one of the foremost writers in social theory and cultural studies today. * Develops an original argument about the position of intellectuals in the contemporary world.
Intellectuals: From Modern Legislators to Post-modern Interpreters.
1. Paul Radin, or an Aetiology of the Intellectuals.
2. Les philosophes: The Archetype and the Utopia.
3. Sociogenesis of the Power Knowledge Syndrome.
4. Gamekeepers turned Gardeners.
5. Educating People.
6. Discovery of Culture.
7. Ideology, or Building the World of Ideas.
8. The Fall of the Legislator.
9. The Rise of the Interpreter.
10. Two Nations, Mark Two: The Seduced.
11. Two Nations, Mark Two: The Repressed.
12. Conclusions: one too many.
齊格蒙·鮑曼(Zygmunt Bauman)為英國利茲大學和華沙大學退休的社會學教授之一,是當代性與後現代性思想家。鮑曼1925年出生在波蘭西部波茲南一個貧苦的猶太家庭。1943年,18歲的鮑曼參加了在蘇聯的波蘭軍隊,戰後,鮑曼升為上尉,不久又被升為上校,就是在這個時期,鮑曼開始攻讀社會學的學位,師從波蘭當時的知名學者奧索夫斯基和霍施菲爾德。在1953年的反猶太清洗中,他成了犧牲品,被突然撤銷職務的他於1954年起在波蘭華沙大學哲學與社會科學系任教。1966年,鮑曼擔選波蘭社會學協會執行委員會的主席。1968年因反猶主義和“毒害青年罪”被驅逐出波蘭。 1972年後任教於英國利茲大學。1990年被授予雅馬爾費獎。 1998年被授予阿多爾諾獎。代表作有《流動的現代性》、 《共同體》、《個體化的社會》、《被圍困的社會》 和《流動的愛》、《虛度的光陰》。
Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017) was Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Leeds. His many books have become international bestsellers and have been translated into more than thirty languages. He was awarded the Theodor W. Adorno prize for 1998.