賈科莫·萊奧帕爾迪:時尚和死亡的對話 英文原版 Penguin Great Ideas : Dialogue between Fashion and Death Giacomo Leopardi
By (author) Giacomo Leopardi
Format Paperback | 112 pages
Dimensions 111 x 181 x 6mm | 71g
Publication date 30 Aug 2010
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Publication City/Country London, United Kingdom
Language English
Edition Statement UK ed.
ISBN10 0141192550
ISBN13 9780141192550
Leopardi, poet and philosopher, explores in humorous but savage dialogue the power of fashion and its strange irrationality. He also imagines conversations between Hercules and Atlas, Nature and an Icelander, and the Earth and the Moon, as well as producing a simple essay praising the humble bird.
GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Giacomo Leopardi was born in the Papal States in 1798 and died of cholera in Naples in 1837. One of the greatest Italian poets, he was also a prose writer of genius, his strange, nihilistic work being drawn together in the Zibaldoni, from which this selection is taken.
賈科莫?萊奧帕爾迪(Giacomo Leopardi, 1798—1837)是意大利著名的悲觀主義詩人和哲學家,被譽為“繼彼特拉克之後最偉大的抒情詩人”。他在短暫的一生創作了很多詩歌和散文。其中,詩歌《致意大利》《但丁紀念碑》《致席爾維婭》《無限》等均為傳世之作。散文有《道德小品集》《雜記》等。這些散文往往借用具有象徵意義的歷史人物或虛構人物,來闡發哲學觀點。《時尚與死亡的對話》是其中傑出的代表作之一。