作者加文·孟席斯(GavlrI Merlzles)花了14年時間研究這段中國船隊驚人的傳奇之旅。他應用得天獨厚的天文導航繪圖以及航海專業知識,廣泛蒐集古地圖、東西方斷簡殘篇的證據,用以支持自己的論點,成功地解釋了近年所發現的中國船隊沿路留下的遺物與碑文,以及中途的沉船,還有水手在各地祭拜媽祖的遺址。
On 8 March 1421, the largest fleet the world had ever seen set sail from China. The ships, some nearly five hundred feet long, were under the command of Emperor Zhu Di's loyal eunuch admirals. Their mission was 'to proceed all the way to the end of the earth to collect tribute from the barbarians beyond the seas' and unite the world in Confucian harmony.
Their journey would last for over two years and take them around the globe but by the time they returned home, China was beginning its long, self-imposed isolation from the world it had so recently embraced. And so the great ships were left to rot and the records of their journey were destroyed. And with them, the knowledge that the Chinese had circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan, reached America seventy years before Columbus, and Australia three hundred and fifty years before Cook...
The result of fifteen years research, 1421 is Gavin Menzies' enthralling account of the voyage of the Chinese fleet, the remarkable discoveries he made and the persuasive evidence to support them: ancient maps, precise navigational knowledge, astronomy and the surviving accounts of Chinese explorers and the later European navigators as well as the traces the fleet left behind - from sunken junks to the votive offerings left by the Chinese sailors wherever they landed, giving thanks to Shao Lin, goddess of the sea.
Already hailed as a classic, this is the story of an extraordinary journey of discovery that not only radically alters our understanding of world exploration but also rewrites history itself.
加文·孟席斯 Gavin Menzies ,英國海軍退伍軍官。1937年生於中國,兩年後因二戰爆發始離開。1953年加入英國海軍,1957年在“鑽石”號驅逐艦上服役於地中海海域。1959年,在“紐芬蘭”號上擔任航海指揮官,服役於遠東海域。1960年調到“決心”號戰略導彈核潛艇,任作戰官。1968年擔任“鰛鯨”號潛艇艇長,被授予海軍中校,執行全球航行訪問任務。在服役期間,他曾率艦沿着世界上偉大的航海家哥倫布、迪亞斯、卡布拉爾和達·伽馬的航線行遍世界。退伍之後,他曾多次走訪中國與亞洲各國,專注於中國明代鄭和航海的調查與研究。