裝 幀:紙板書
作 者:DK
繪 者:DK
開 本:12.5*13.7CM
頁 數:12頁
語 言:英語
IS BN:9781409366584
"Introduce your baby to mealtimes and food with this interactive baby board book. Encourage him or her to get to know the feeling of food with each touch-and-feel texture. Let them touch and learn about the shiny apple, a boiled egg in a sparkly cup, and, watch out: sticky jam on toast!
Covering early learning concepts such as colors, shapes, and patterns, this chunky package is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and young minds to develop. Sturdy pages with rounded corners mean Baby Touch and Feel Mealtime will provide hours of enjoyment."
作為Baby Touch and Feel系列中的一本,這本書主打觸摸書概念,書內設有專門的觸摸區(由各種不同仿真材質製作),通過用手去觸摸書中的各種事物,帶領寶寶用手去感知周圍世界,不僅幫助他們理解、辨別“光滑”、“柔軟”、“粗糙”、“乾硬”等抽象概念,提升寶寶對各種事物的感知能力,還使得孩子的觸覺變得更細膩、敏感,而多元靈敏的觸覺探索則打通神經元、促進腦部發育和動作發展。同時,配以逼真的繪圖,加快寶寶視覺和觸覺的聯合行動,使寶寶體驗更真實,強化認知效果。