外文名稱:Nature's Goodness Propolis Alcohol-Free Liquid Super Strength 300mg 25ml
品牌:Nature's Goodness
There are certain trees - including numerous Australian natives - which exude a resin to protect themselves from infection. This resin, which has strong antibiotic properties, is gathered by bees which then metabolise it and smear it over the walls of their hive. This substance is called propolis. It is a very complex substance and contains flavonoids, organic acids, vitamins and numerous minerals. Propolis is a natural antibiotic with strong antimicrobial properties. It also possesses anaesthetic and strong antioxidant properties. It is very helpful in a wide range of health conditions: * Propolis applied externally will relieve pain from burns, wounds and earache. * Propolis will help prevent bad breath, gum problems and other minor mouth and throat problems. Inhalation of the tincture will relieve minor upper-respiratory tract infections. * Propolis will protect your skin against pimples, acne and other skin blemishes. * Propolis has no toxic effects. If taken internally, it will enhance your powers of resistance to cold-like infections. In the manufacture of Propolis products, Nature's Goodness uses a specially manufactured standardised Propolis extract. This ensures all Nature's Goodness Propolis products contain a specified quantity of propolis. Nature's Goodness Propolis is assayed regularly to ensure compliance with Nature's Goodness' high standards and specifications. Directions:Oral - dissolve 5-10 drops in half a glass of water as a drink, gargle or for irrigationTopical - swab affected area with cotton bud soaked in tinctureInhalation - soak a piece of cotton wool with tincture and hold to nostrils. Terms and Conditions*While stocks last. One per order.